Fast internet through radio relay links

With radio relay, we give you the opportunity of supplying your building with a fast internet service quickly and flexibly via radio relay. Radio relay can bridge distances of up to 100 km and provides high speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s. You benefit from a stable and secure connection and low latency.

Radio relay is a good solution for you if you want…

  • to connect your building to fast internet by using a radio relay reflector
  • to network your company or facility, for example, to ensure your production and your employees’ communications
  • a redundant connection as a secure fallback solution for your existing internet connection and/or in case you need a targeted and secure point-to-point connection.

With over 35,200 sites in Germany, we have a broadly based site portfolio. This means that we have the right site for connecting your building, whether it’s a school or hospital, a commercial enterprise, or a hotel. We ensure that your radio relay link is implemented smoothly and, together with our partners, we take care of all necessary steps, from planning and obtaining the necessary permissions through to the final connection of your building.

This is how we supply your building with a fast internet connection

Broadband-based, secure and reliable internet supply is becoming increasingly important. Communication is more and more often based on digital technology, while processes and documents are being digitized, companies are networking their sites with each other, and even schools often have to focus on the digital media literacy of their students. Wherever you require a fast internet connection Deutsche Funkturm is the right partner

We handle the radio relay connectivity of your building together with our partners. You merely need to provide us with an area on top of the building so that we can install a radio relay reflector. We take care of everything else.

High frequency trading between European stock exchanges via radio relay

We have approximately 550 large telecommunications towers that are distributed throughout Germany and are connected to a powerful fiber-optic network, meaning that we can give almost everyone the possibility of simple broadband connectivity, even beyond national boundaries. This is how we support the networking of stock exchanges, for example, to enable high-frequency trading (HFT). With HFT, high-performance computers conclude financial transactions within seconds up to the microsecond range. Radio relay is used at our sites among other technologies to ensure fast and secure communication, such as between stock exchanges in Frankfurt and London.

We take on the full range of tasks:

  • Coordinating and consulting with our European partners on the links for the shortest and fastest connection from A to B
  • Supporting all partners and suppliers
  • Clarifying building-specific details and statics. Full planning of the links in Germany
  • Providing support and advice in the approval process with Bundesnetzagentur (German Federal Network Agency) for the necessary frequency allocation
  • Deutsche Telekom internet/DSL connection at German sites
  • Leasing agreement for the passive infrastructure in Germany

We have already participated in implementing many links such as those from Frankfurt to London, Milan, Zurich, and Vienna, and also from Amsterdam to Stockholm.


For High Frequency Trading (HFT) european stock exchanges are connected by radio relay

“Heavenly” radio relay for Heligoland

Deutsche Funkturm runs one of the fastest, state-of-the-art radio relay links in Germany between Heligoland and Cuxhaven.

Together with Deutsche Telekom and Skylink, we are building one of the fastest, state-of-the-art radio relay links in Germany between Heligoland and Cuxhaven. Important data from German air traffic control (Deutsche Flugsicherung) is transported for northern German air space over 64 kilometers via radio relay right across the North Sea.

Since Heligoland is an island, it can be connected to the internet via submarine cable on one side only. However, this single line is not sufficient, as project manager Matthias Jacobza from Skylink explains: “Like many other sites, Heligoland has more than one connection. If one goes down, this means that the other line can take over.” This is why the additional radio relay link is so important. Above all, it ensures radiotelephone communication between the pilots and air traffic controllers.

You can find a detailed report containing a video about the radio relay link on Heligoland here.