LTE antenna construction on rooftop

Permit management

The development or change of radio systems involves a complex, multi-level site permit process. As an expert in the required tests and certifications, Deutsche Funkturm offers its customers the service of assisting with such processes.

Whether mobile communications, broadcast, radio for authorities, or small transmitters – each new radio station and each change in a transmission facility with transmitting power of over 10 watts must be applied for and approved by the German Federal Network Agency. Many technical details must be taken into account – for example, that the value of 10 watts applies to the sum of all signals radiated by the site and that the applicable limit values depend on the used transmission frequency.

For that reason, before the radio operation can start, each mobile communications facility undergoes a site certification process that is concluded with the issuance of the site certification. It ensures that all legal limits at the respective site are adhered to, for example. The German Federal Network Agency may test this with measurements or by demanding specific proofs and records. If the current situation at a site doesn’t correspond to the permitted application, the operator faces severe penalties and may even have to shut down its transmission system.

In addition to the site certificates issued by the German Federal Network Agency which cover the radio antennas, construction regulations must be adhered to and construction permits may need to be applied for. This could include not just the regular construction permit but also a historical monument permit, nature-conservation permits, construction planning exemptions or releases.

We assist customers with the required permit process

The tests and certificates needed for the permit process include more than just the radio-technology aspects, such as the structural implementation and the determination and labeling of danger and safety areas.

The procedures described here are part of the daily routine for Deutsche Funkturm. Due to the development and operation of over 35,200 radio sites in Germany, our staff has the required experience, necessary systems, and software tools to successfully complete all steps of this complex process.